Black Orlov

Black Orlov
Weight 67.5 carats (13.5 g)
Color Black
Country of origin India

The Black Orlov is a black diamond, also known as the Eye of Brahma Diamond. It weighs 67.50 carats (13.50 g).[1] The diamond—originally 195 carats (39 g)—is said to have been discovered in the early 19th century in India.[2] It supposedly featured as one of the eyes in a statue of the Hindu god Brahma in Pondicherry, until it was stolen by a monk.[3] According to legend, this theft caused the diamond to be cursed.[2] In 1932, diamond dealer J. W. Paris is said to have taken the diamond to the United States and soon after committed suicide by jumping from a skyscaper in New York City.[3]

Later owners included two Russian princesses called Leonila Galitsine-Bariatinsky and Nadia Vygin-Orlov (after whom the diamond is named).[1][3] Both women allegedly jumped to their deaths in the 1940s.[2][4] The diamond was later bought by Charles F. Winson and cut into three pieces in an attempt to break the curse; the 67.5-carat Black Orlov was set into a brooch of 108 diamonds, suspended from a necklace of 124 diamonds.[5] The diamond was purchased by diamond dealer Dennis Petimezas in 2004; Petimezas said he was "pretty confident that the curse is broken".[2] The Black Orlov has been displayed at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City[6] and the Natural History Museum in London.[4]


  • Balfour, Ian (1997), Famous Diamonds, Christie's Books, ISBN 090343251X 
  • Fanthorpe, Lionel; Fanthorpe, Patricia (2009), Secrets of the World's Undiscovered Treasures, Dundurn Press, ISBN 155002938X 
  • Harlow, George E. (1998), The Nature of Diamonds, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0521629357